Category: communication
How to communicate effectively – top 10 tips
Communication skills training video, communication tips and effective communication. Covering listening to Nonviolent Communication, you’ll learn how to have a conversation communicating emotions, using specific words, and using body language. …
Mobile vs Embodied Connection
I recently led a workshop on connection as part of the Critical Incident in Brighton. We explored embodied connection through various touch and movement practices, and compared these connections through …
Soft Skills in Hard Places
This article first appeared on the Training Journal and gives an insight into the training I take into conflict zones. You can read more about Integration Training’s embodied approach which …

Emotionally Intelligent Communication
Here’s some tips on emotionally intelligent communication, based upon NonViolent Communication (NVC) by Marshall Rosenberg and used on our communication training courses and emotional intelligence training. Separating Observations from Judgements in Communication …

Communication Styles
Here’s a communication types outline from the communication training courses Integration Training runs. Which type you and employees are has big implications for leadership and management. Thanks to Francis Briers …
Comparing Methods of Communication
Here's a table comparing methods of communication from a recent time management workshop I gave...
Communication, Conflict and Ethical Charities
The majority of people working for charities are paid to communicate. Even if someone has a technical job like a computer engineer, communicating with other people enables them to …