Month: November 2008

Paul Linden Peacebuilding through Somatics and Theatre

Paul Linden has just finished a cool peace/somatics/theatre project in Germany, here’s what he mailed me half way through. …………………………………………………… Hi All, I’ve just finished teaching the fourth day of …

Music Psychology Research and Business Drumming

Jeroen Vrolijk of The Netherlands just sent me this: ……………………………….. For my friend Mark, Lately I’ve been working with a companies from the Northern part of Holland. Iโ€™m doing workshops …

Positive Psychology – How to Be Happy

How to Be Happy ………………… So What: Psychology starts to catch up with religion, mindfulness, Non Violent Communication, common sense and what my mum always said ๐Ÿ™‚

Aikido School

Crystal Farm School is a school being set-up based on aikido principles. It was conceived ten years ago but has recently got a grant so it looks like it’s going …

Meditation in Prison

Why would anyone teach meditation in prison? Fleet Maull served 14 years in prison from 1985-1999 on charges of drug trafficking. While incarcerated he founded two national organizations; Prison Dharma …

Technology and Emotional Connection

How does technology lead to emotional connection us and how does it fail us? “I think we’re talking about different aspects of connection. How aboutdistinguishing between three aspects of being …