Category: stress

How to Deal With Shit – CBT and Resilience

I am obsessed with resilience and stress management and resilience training and have been dedicating myself to a project called Achilles,  supporting the well-being of those working in conflict-zones. When asked what …

Acceptance and Stress

Recently I wrote and article on stress and courage emphasising the things that one can change to manage stress. This is its sister article on acceptance and stress. Many  people I work …

Stress No Balls

Most stress is caused by cowardice. Let me explain.  Stress can be caused by not having the courage to: – Have a difficult conversation – Say no unreasonable demands (e.g. …

How to be Reborn at Work

I had several requests after the Easter themed article article How to die at work for a more positive follow-up on how to be fully alive and human in the …

How to Die at Work

As it’s Easter/ Pagan Spring festival time here’s a post on how to die at work…I may get around to how to be reborn later. Overwork An utter lack of …

Fun Stress Test

Here’s my fun new stress test for those in need of stress management in the office or elsewhere. It is in no way a scientific stress test by the way! …