Big Mind Meditation UK

Big Mind UK

Big Mind Big Heart Meditation is a ground-breaking technique that plays on the line between psychotherapy and spiritual practice. It comes from both Zen and Voice Dialogue, was invented by Genpo Roshi and arrives in the UK with pundit Ken Wilber’s seal of approval. I have experienced in a number of times here in Brighton, UK with certified facilitator Jonathan Bonello (the only other UK cert. is in Liverpool). I found Big Mind personally insightful and experienced some deeply meditative states of mind. Jon’s a skillful group leader, big hearted and basically a total gem, so give him a shout if you’re interested in Big Mind. He will be hosted by Brighton Integral Salon soon too who have a sexy new site.

Big Mind Big Heart works through talking as different “voices” or aspects” of oneself such at “the controller”, “the prtector” or “the critic” and getting to know and making friends with these “dualistic” voices before moving on to “non dual” or “transcendent” voices such as “Non Seeking-Non Grasping Mind”, “Great Mind” or “Great Joy.” I imagine this all sounds kooky as hell, but it’s actually a straight-forward, no belief necessary stuff that didn’t stimulate my BS detector as a psychologist, trainer or meditator. There are some good Big Mind videos on Youtube.

Genpo is coming to London soon and I’m hoping Bog Mind takes off in the UK. An event with this price-tag and with TV celebrity Paul McKenna’s endorsements plays into criticisms of zen subversion, over commercialism and “it’s just group hypnosis”, but from my experience it’s good stuff and I’d recommend it.

So What: talking to yourself is a sign of sanity.