Small Business Owners and Stress

Here is the latest the HSE has for small business owners (and SME’s in general) on stress:

Key messages

  • Everyone in the organisation has responsibility for tackling Work related stress[1], involving unions, staff representatives and employees is critical to raise awareness and improve employee health & well being.
  • Employers underestimate the extent to which employees are suffering from stress or other forms of mental illness.
  • Most organisations will have some form of stress-related problems, the key is to find out where and what the problems are, and how and why they happen. The Management Standards[2] help you decide how to make changes and is a way measure performance.
  • Recognise Work related stress[3] is a legitimate health and safety issue and can be dealt with like any other health and safety risk.
  • You may play a critical role in specifying task and job requirements and allocating individual job roles, your actions and behaviour could have an impact on the quality of working life of your team.
  • You should play a major role in communication ensuring information goes both ways between senior staff and employees.