Month: December 2007


I love touch. I love to touch and be touched..actually it’s always simultaneous with people isn’t it…maybe better to say, “I love to be in touch”…but touch kind of dissolves …

Babies are Weird

A few weeks ago I had the chance to hold a couple of babies – something I hadn’t done in some years, not since I started to get some grounding …

Aiki Exercises Seminar

Last Sunday was the “Aiki Exercises Seminar” in Surrey with UK Tomiki Team member Adrian Tyndale and senior ki style Sensei and business trainer Piers Cooke. I taught Holistics and …

Intregral Theory

I’ve recently read two books by Ken Wilber: The Integral Vision – an MTVesque, sexy photo laden intro to Intregal theory, and A Theory of Everything – a more scholar, …

Intregal Aikido

New video of Miles Kessler (Tel Avvi) and Patrick Cassidy (Switzerland) Senseis discussing aikido spirituality and showing their fluid technique: Miles spent many years as an live-in student at Iwama …

Back in Brighton

After years away I’ve set up home again Brighton, south coast capital of all things alternative in the UK. This week has been a feast of bodymind activities including two …