A readable, engaging but simplistically written account of the training of a young gymnast by a spiritual teacher, released with the 2006 Hollywood version, and supposedly based on real life.
How much of the story is true is debatable, many people would say not much as it’s too weird. I’ve had enough strange experiences and intense teachers myself to know that a good chunk of it may be well. The training described is in many ways similar to high level martial arts and meditation training and the influences on the author/main teacher are clear enough to anyone who’s done work on themselves – Be here now, crap in crap out, the body as teacher, humour, paradox and change being the only contestants, journey over destination – the knowledge of the “warrior” described is universal and rooted in traditions like Zen, Taoism and Sufism. In fact many of the philosophies and stories in the book are so familiar as to seem cliched.
If I had a 14 year old cousin I wanted to inspire to enter the world of personal development this is the book I’d buy them, it just might change his life. For most of the readers of this blog I’d recommend it as a fun light read.