Riding The Storm – Workshop – 18th April Brighton, UK

Riding The Storm
Resilient Leadership for Tough Times

Sat 18th April 10.15 – 13.00
Ki Centre, Queens Square, Brighton (1 hour from London Victoria) MAP HERE


We live in challenging times and new resources are needed. This workshop is practical experiential training in emotional and embodied intelligence to help you thrive under pressure. The morning will involve straightforward verbal and physical practices from three leading-edge training companies and bespoke individual coaching.


Suitable for people working in the private, public and third sector

Benefits of Attending Include:


· Increased ability to handle pressure and multiple commitments
· Improved leadership presence
· Reduced risk of burnout and stress related illness
· Insight into personal reactive patterns
· The ability to “centre” amidst chaos

– Free to representatives of organisations
– Buffet lunch included

Places limited – booking in advance.


For further information contact: