How can you feel someone else’s distress and why might you not like sitting by someone in the office with a “contagious” mood? How come you can get intuitive “gut” …
Great man? Great relationships or great match to the situation? Nice blog post on leadership theories here. Often think these are lens which people see through without being aware there’s …
If you’re a training manager looking for news related to training there are a number of sources. Obviously this blog is a great place to start – I focus on …
I recently wrote an article describing how hard change is – by way of balance here’s one about how change is inevitable. Thanks for the idea Gav. Change is Inevitable …
I’m a keen meditator and use meditation in my stress management training. That being said like anything perhaps it can have a dark side. This article discusses what can go …
The second extract from Paul Linden’s new book. I love this piece on anger kindness and strength. ………………………………… Chapter 22 – VIOLENCE In my practice as a somatic educator, I …
“I like grapefruit. You like grapefruit. Let’s move in together!” “Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.” Clare Myatt, Integration Training …
In the next few weeks I will be publishing extracts from master somatics teacher Paul Linden’s new book. Available HERE. ………………… Chapter 11 – A SHARP TONGUE Walt Kelly, the …
Recently published in Training Zone – this is an article on how to be charismatic. A previous post on how to be more charismatic is here. …………………… Charisma, personal presence, …