The Side Effects of Embodied Training

There’s an unwanted side effect to embodied training – you get more attractive, not just as a leader but also sexually. So I’m warning future students about the ways embodiment makes you sexier. Here’s how it happens:

1. Inhabiting the body gives you what people call “presence” or charisma. Getting presence = sexy
2. Developing embodied range will make you sexier and sexier to more people. Grrrrrr – yang fierce body sexy, aahhhhhhh – open, yin body sexy
3. Wooop, wooop!!!! – Expression sexy. Embodiment creates emotional dynamism
4. Intimacy with self is the foundation of intimacy with others
5. Pleasure is in the body. Someone comfortable with their own pleasure will be comfortable with yours
6. Centring – calm, confident and caring is sexy
7. Sensitivity – listening and empathy is sexy
8. Being able to embody a full YES and NO is vital for life and sex
9. Life – life is sexy and to be embodied is to be fully alive.

Based on unbiased actual factual facts and scientific science research.