So a lot of my energy at the moment is going into marketing the Embodied Facilitator Course 2016 and trying to do so in a way that’s authentic and doesn’t pollute the mental environment. Now I know EFC is a good course as I’ve seen it work over the years in London and Moscow so it’s not hard to talk about benefits, and yet there is a feeling in business, a fear-based pressure, to spin things. HOWEVER…I’m tired of being lied to and manipulated by adverts and I think the rest of the world is too, so I’ve been looking for alternatives to the usual bullshit. I’ve been writing poetry from the heart, making jokes and trying to provide something of beauty and practicality to people, especially with talks and via social media. I know it’s working for potential clients and for me as people are sharing what I’m putting out. I even made a few people cry… in a good way (-:
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