Freedom of Movement

Freedom of movement is a basic UN Human right, yet this needs to be taken more literally. Being able to move and therefore to feel, is freedom of being. All …

Ways to stop war

Ways to stop war: – do internal peace work like meditation and yoga – stop supporting companies which benefit from war – stop voting for politicians who make war – …

Embodied Yoga Principles Workshop in Moscow

Some great pictures from an Embodied Yoga Principles workshop in Moscow. Yoga with an emphasis on self-knowledge and transfer to life (not body-beautiful athleticism or hindu mythology). Where else do …

Media’s Mental Pollution

I’m tired of being subjected to images like this when I wait for a train. Questions: – why are most fashion models children? – why are those children sexualised? – …

Embodied Yoga Principles Class

Personal development in general and yoga in particular takes itself WAY to seriously! Here’s a silliness competition from an Embodied Yoga Principles Class. Ghost of Iyengar scowling from afar…

Yoga for exploitation

Starting a new “Yoga for Exploitation” class in central London. Learn: – how to meditate away stress caused by your inhumanity to your fellow man – abuse yourself harder for …

“Our lives are not our own”

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” – from Cloud Atlas Perhaps …